Kerri Warner

i find art in everything and everything finds its way into my art
I am a mixed media artist based in Northern California. I relish the combination of contemporary design with the unexpected utilization of found, recycled, and/or repurposed materials. In my collages I use book pages, wrapping paper, found objects and fragments of antique hardware to create works depicting moments in time. I see my art as vibrant visual storytelling, rich with texture and detail, each composition combines elements inspired by everyday moments, executed with a whimsical touch. I love the puzzle of putting together pattern and color to depict my subjects, portraying body language and facial expressions that might make the viewer stop and ponder the situation or stir a memory of time spent with friends or family. My imagination and observation of the world around me are the driving force behind my creations.
Watch Me Work
Some articles about my work.....
Mix it Up: Spotlight on Mixed Media Artists / Style Magazine / March 2022
The Hawkins Project / Book: How to make a place like this / features 916 Immaginarium lead artist Kerri Warner/ Release date November 2019
Let's Hit The Road Again / Book release 2020 / recycled hubcap art
Sacramento Magazine / June 2018 / The 916: Rolling Art Trains
Article/ February 2015/ Artist helps nonprofits make statement/ Cathie Anderson/ The Sacramento Bee
ARTICLE / February 2015 / Telescope Magazine
ARTICLE /January 2014 Artist of the Month /
Featured Artist/ ARTSYSHARK August 15, 2014